A little about Long Lake Hounds
The Long Lake Hounds, founded in 1959, is Minnesota’s only hunt. The Long Lake Hounds is a “drag” hunt meaning it doesn’t hunt or involve live foxes. A fox scent is dragged on horseback to simulate the path a pursued fox might take through the woods and over the fields.
A typical hunt has members and guests arriving at the fixture (the location of the days hunt) 30-60 minutes before the hunt starts to tack up and warm up. The Masters and Huntsman will do any announcements about the day, the hounds and the conditions of the land. The Huntsman will blow the horn to send the hounds out, the whipper ins and Huntsman will follow. Followed by the First Field Master and the members and guests joining the First Field followed by the Second Field Master and members and guests riding in the Second Field. There are also the Hilltoppers who often get the best viewing of any field! While they miss the gallop - they stay in one place and watch.
The morning of each hunt, our "Fox", which is a member of the Hunt, hacks through fields dragging the scent for the hounds to follow. In the early season 3-4 lines will be laid, which are 1-2 miles in length. Then the "Fox" circles the scent in an open field after each line where the horses and hounds can catch their breath, this is called a Check. Later in the season as the weather cools and the hounds and horses are in the best shape, there maybe up to 6 lines ranging from 1-3 miles each. After the hunt is over, treats and water will be given to the hounds. Hunt Breakfasts will follow either by a members horse trailer or by the hosting landowner.
The official season of the Long Lake Hounds begins in July with the summer season during which young hounds are trained. Hunts are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Formal season begins near Labor day and the Long Lake Hounds season ends early November.
A typical hunt has members and guests arriving at the fixture (the location of the days hunt) 30-60 minutes before the hunt starts to tack up and warm up. The Masters and Huntsman will do any announcements about the day, the hounds and the conditions of the land. The Huntsman will blow the horn to send the hounds out, the whipper ins and Huntsman will follow. Followed by the First Field Master and the members and guests joining the First Field followed by the Second Field Master and members and guests riding in the Second Field. There are also the Hilltoppers who often get the best viewing of any field! While they miss the gallop - they stay in one place and watch.
The morning of each hunt, our "Fox", which is a member of the Hunt, hacks through fields dragging the scent for the hounds to follow. In the early season 3-4 lines will be laid, which are 1-2 miles in length. Then the "Fox" circles the scent in an open field after each line where the horses and hounds can catch their breath, this is called a Check. Later in the season as the weather cools and the hounds and horses are in the best shape, there maybe up to 6 lines ranging from 1-3 miles each. After the hunt is over, treats and water will be given to the hounds. Hunt Breakfasts will follow either by a members horse trailer or by the hosting landowner.
The official season of the Long Lake Hounds begins in July with the summer season during which young hounds are trained. Hunts are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Formal season begins near Labor day and the Long Lake Hounds season ends early November.